1. Resource Hints: dns-prefetch

    Gives a hint to the browser to perform a DNS lookup in the background to improve performance. This is indicated using `<link rel="dns-prefetch" href="https://example.com/">`

  2. Resource Hints: preconnect

    Gives a hint to the browser to begin the connection handshake (DNS, TCP, TLS) in the background to improve performance. This is indicated using `<link rel="preconnect" href="https://example-domain.com/">`

  3. Resource Hints: prefetch

    Informs the browsers that a given resource should be prefetched so it can be loaded more quickly. This is indicated using `<link rel="prefetch" href="(url)">`

  4. Resource Hints: prerender

    Gives a hint to the browser to render the specified page in the background, speeding up page load if the user navigates to it. This is indicated using `<link rel="prerender" href="(url)">`

  5. htmllinkelement api: href

  6. htmllinkelement api: hreflang

  7. html element: link: href

  8. html element: link: hreflang

  9. svg element: a: `xlink:href`

  10. svg element: cursor: `xlink:href`

  11. svg element: feimage: `xlink:href`

  12. svg element: filter: `xlink:href`

  13. svg element: font-face-uri: xlink:href

  14. svg element: glyphref: `xlink:href`

  15. svg element: image: `xlink:href`

  16. svg element: lineargradient: `xlink:href`

  17. svg element: mpath: `xlink:href`

  18. svg element: pattern: `xlink:href`

  19. svg element: radialgradient: `xlink:href`

  20. svg element: script: xlink:href

  21. svg element: textpath: `xlink:href`

  22. svg element: tref: `xlink:href`

  23. svg element: use: `xlink:href`